Asturias, Spain·June 17 - July 1 2023

Unsettled: Camino De Santiago

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One Week Coworking; One Week Hiking the Camino de Santiago

"Slow down and everything you are chasing will come around to catch you." This two-week adventure retreat in Northern Spain is designed to create opportunities for reflection and human connection. After a week of small-town Spanish life, you'll embark alongside your fellow Unsettlers on a centuries-old pilgrimage -- an historic journey for travelers seeking perspective, faith, and purpose. We'll start in the tiny village of Cadavedo, where we'll take over a renovated Spanish farmhouse, minutes away from the peaceful beaches of the Bay of Biscay. We'll spend our days co-living and working from home, learning to surf, exploring vineyards, and learning to make paella. After a week, we'll begin our journey along the Camino de Santiago (the Way of Saint James), a system of trails famously hiked by Christian Pilgrims since the beginning of the 10th century. Our six-day hike will cover the final 115km of the Camino, delivering us to our ultimate destination: the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela.

Retreat Overview


Asturias, Spain


14 nights



Upcoming Trips:

June 17 - July 1 2023SOLD OUT

Join Unsettled: Camino De Santiago

The Community And Experience

Unsettled is a community for those who refuse to settle in their pursuit of growth, meaning, and adventure. We bring together creatives, entrepreneurs, artists, freelancers, and the intellectually curious who seek to replace routine with adventure. You will share this retreat with like-minded peers who hold a wealth of experience far deeper than just their careers and join our growing community of Unsettled alumni spread out over 80 countries around the world.

Read what Unsettled alumni are saying about their experience.

This experience is about you. It’s about taking an intentional break from your routine, finding new perspective, building new relationships, growing new ideas, and exploring with intention among an incredible backdrop of people and place. We provide housing, workspace, and an unforgettable experience filled with regular dinner parties, peer-to-peer workshops, happy hours, and excursions.

Unsettled: Camino De Santiago Highlights



For one week, you and your fellow Unsettlers will have free-reign of a 2000 square meter property to work, surf, chill, and share together before departing for the Camino de Santiago.



No daily tours or hectic schedules. The pace of this retreat is deliberate and intentionally slow. Plan on lots of time to think, connect, meditate, and root into your surroundings.



To officially "complete" the Camino de Santiago, pilgrims (or hikers) need to walk a minimum of 100km. In week 2, prepare for picturesque landscapes, medieval villages, and, of course, lots of walking.



You'll find no bullet trains, skyscrapers, or rush hour traffic here. Life in Northern Spain is agrarian, deliberate, and steeped in tradition.



No matter your beliefs or your background, the Camino de Santiago has been a destination for travelers seeking perspective, faith, and purpose since the late Middle Ages. Each day, we'll stagger our departures so each of us has the time and space to honor that heritage and reflect on our place in it.

A week in the life




Week 1...

There’s always an adventure to be had. Here’s what one of your days could look like:

Morning: Wake up with the sun and grab a coffee on your way to your group's daily sunrise yoga session. Afterward, feeling recharged and centered, you grab your laptop to return some emails in the morning sun. 

Afternoon: After a productive work session with a few of your housemates, you decide to grab a late lunch in town, saving enough room for a gelato on the walk back to the house. 

Later, you sit down with everyone for a curated conversation about purpose: not something you've ever done with your friends back home, but you find you have more to share than you thought you would.

Evening: For tonight's dinner, a local chef is leading a workshop on making paella in the regional style for you and your housemates. You take turns sampling each other's work. It's filled with the freshest seafood you've ever eaten.

Later, as the sun starts to set behind the mountains, you help your housemates build a fire, while the others collect chairs and prepare campfire treats to cook over the flame. 

That night, still full from your meal, you take turns sharing stories around the fire. You're able to learn some surfing tips from one of your housemates and commit to trying again tomorrow morning. 


Week 2...

Morning: You wake up in your hotel a little sore from yesterday's leg of the trail and pull yourself out of bed. Most of the group is chatting in the dining room when you join them for breakfast. A few, you learn, have already left for the next town. 

It's been your goal this week to walk with someone new each day, so you ask around and find out when everyone plans to leave. We're walking a bit fewer than 9 miles today, so you decide to leave with a group who's departing a little later. 

Afternoon: You and your group left town about an hour ago, and it feels like a good time to bring up today's intention. Each morning, your group is challenged to set an intention from your Unsettled leader, and every evening around dinner, everyone shares what it means to them.

Your conversation lasts a few kilometers, ending when you decide to take a break near some grazing sheep. 

Evening: When you arrive into town, you get settled in to your hotel room and rest while you wait for the last stragglers to arrive. During the golden hour, a photographer from the group agrees to lead a demonstration on street photography around town. 

At dinner, like always, you each share your daily reflection. Afterward, you grab a beer with another participant to finish a conversation you'd started during your hike. 

Later, you head back to the hotel to finally get some sleep -- you have an early morning tomorrow...

What's Included

Unsettled provides...

7 nights in a renovated Spanish farmhouse, just a short drive away from the beaches of the Bay of Biscay.

Breakfast and dinner every day during our coworking week.

WiFi and ample space to be productive during the first week of the retreat.

Facilitated access to the final 100 km of the Camino de Santiago, including a credencial to help you keep a record of each stop along the route.

A room and breakfast in local "refugios" at each stop along the Camino.

A curated community of diverse, like-minded peers from around the world who hold a wealth of experience far deeper than their careers.

A fully dedicated team of experience leaders and local experts who challenge your perspective and support your exploration, growth, and adventures.

A calendar of events with community sessions, nightly dinners, local experiences, skills-shares, discussions, and more.

Your experience


Our home for the first week of the retreat is a renovated stone farmhouse that sits on two-thousand square meters of land within a 10 minute drive to the coast. On site is a communal kitchen, a beautiful garden, a coworking space, and a restaurant. Each shared apartment has a kitchenette, small living space, and an en-suite bathroom. Here, we'll spend our days working, surfing, hiking, exploring, and preparing to embark on our second leg of the journey: the Camino de Santiago.


We'll begin our pilgrimage in Sarria, 115km away from our final destination. Once we depart, Unsettled will arrange for housing every night at different refugios along the trail. Every morning, we will choose our own departure times to have as much company (or quiet reflection time) as we want for that day's journey (11.5 miles, on average), until we reach our final destination: Santiago de Campostela, the final resting place of St. James the Great.

Green Spain

An Unsettled Pilgrimage

This temperate region of Spain supports lush pastures and thriving forests that resemble Ireland or Western France more than it does the rest of Spain. Home mostly to wineries, fishing villages, and grazing animals, this part of the world remains underdeveloped and under visited by tourists, keeping its medieval villages and towns virtually unchanged for centuries. There's lots to explore here, and plenty of room to do it.

Green Spain

What Our Community Says...


Being Unsettled for the last 30 days has felt liberating. It’s about opening up to a whole range of new possibilities, saying yes to new experiences, and not setting expectations that limit your growth.

Rima Bazzi | Entrepreneur & Coach


An Unsettled trip is like venturing into the unknown. You have no idea how the experience or people you’ll meet will be… but that unknown proved to be a very rewarding experience. You’ll leave Unsettled richer. Richer in the memories you create and the connections you make. Worth every minute.

Lesibane Mohale | Creative Director at Ogilvy & Mather


I met 29 incredible people from all walks of life, and found a little part of me in all of them. These people were intelligent, witty, bloody smart, beautiful, adventurous, hilarious, and full of joy. 

Shitika Anand | Freelance Journalist & Digital Content Creator


Our Spanish farmhouse is located 50 minutes from the Asturias Aiport (OVD). We will have 2-3 shuttles running between the Asturias Aiport and our house on arrival day only (June 17). Make sure you make your way to Asturias Aiport on June 17th. 

This is the only international airport in Asturias, serviced with direct flights from within Spain and international locations. You may want to purchase roundtrip international flights to/from Madrid, as domestic flights are affordable and easy to add to your journey once you are in Spain. This way, you can make your way back to Madrid at the end of the retreat.

The retreat ends in Santiago de Compostela on July 1st. We will stay the night on June 30th together in Santiago, have a nice farewell evening to say our "see you laters," and off from there. If you are flying home, we recommend flying to Madrid from Santiago's airport (SCQ) and connecting onwards. Or, take a train or bus to wherever your journey continues. 

A full packing list will be provided closer to the trip. For now, you may want to think about having a comfortable backpack that's 35-40 liters in volume. Comfortable shoes (that are broken in ahead of time) designed for hiking, but not necessarily hiking boots. Some comfortable (and hey, why not trendy) hiking outfits that can double to wear around town in the evenings. A journal, of course. And plenty more that we'll share ahead of time. For a fee, you can transport heavier luggage to the end of the trail, so you'll be able to carry a pack with your clothes, snacks, water, journals, toiletries, and other daily needs along the way.

No need for sleeping bags, water filters, tents, or anything from that realm of backpacking. 

On average, we walk about 20 km/per day (about 12 miles). You do not need to be in any kind of extreme fitness, but you should be able to comfortably walk 5-6 hours per day, carrying a pack that weighs about 10% of your body weight. People of all ages and sizes have hiked the Camino de Santiago, so as long as you don't have an underlying health condition that your doctor would say prevents you from this type of movement, you can do it! Consider going on some local hikes or long walks starting a couple of weeks before the trip, and we can continue them the first week in the Spanish countryside.

The boundaries between work, life, and travel are becoming blurred, fundamentally changing how we live today. Unsettled brings together groups of travelers and professionals from around the world for uniquely co-created experiences. Each one-week, two-week, or one-month retreat is designed to break your routine and inspire a renewed sense of growth, meaning, and adventure through transformational travel and peer-to-peer learning.

Whether you’re working full-time, or going through an intentional career transition, our retreats are designed to help you break out of your routine and explore a new destination with an incredible group of peers.

Each destination and experience is different, however most one-month and two-week experiences include comfortable and centrally located accommodations, a coworking space, full-time staff dedicated to leading your experience, a productivity-driven environment, regular dinner parties, and themed conversations, peer-to-peer workshops, curated events, epic adventures, spontaneous activities and hopefully one of the best experiences of your life. Our one-week experiences are more adventure driven, whether urban or nature-focused – and you can explore what each trip holds by visiting that particular retreat page.

Yes! In fact, most of the time while away is up to you. The Unsettled experience is your experience, don’t forget! We create just enough structure so that you can plug into the different activities, workshops, and connect with people as you wish.

Nothing is required, and everything is voluntary; however, we do look for people who contribute, and highly recommend that you do. Typically, the more you put into your experience, the more you get out. Our role is to provide a platform so you are informed and can participate as you like.

Most days are unstructured work days, exploration days, or adventure days (whatever your current activity!) You can work from our central coworking space, a coffee shop, the beach, or a park, depending on the destination if you need to. Or, you can go explore with other participants to places we recommend or discover your own new secret spots. We tend to have a fixed family-style group dinner once a week where everyone can check in and catch up with each other, as well as numerous other dinners, events, activities, and surprises throughout each week that everyone is welcome to join. You never know the kind of inspiration that can come through connecting with a community, so be sure to try and take advantage of it while you’re able.

Our one-week retreats are focused a bit less on work and much more on living in the moment for the week. Our one-week trips are specifically built to give you a personalized community experience – one where you can sync up daily with a group of fellow participants, opt-in or opt-out of a shared calendar of cool happenings, and live alongside us as we visit the world’s most vibrant cultural capitals or natural wonders.

Please review our latest travel policies here.

Unsettled: Camino De Santiago

Spain· June 17 - July 1 2023· 14 nights


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