Buenos Aires & Patagonia, Argentina·27 November - 10 December 2022

Unsettled: Argentina

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Live, work, and adventure. 1 week in Buenos Aires. 1 week in Patagonia.

The South American journey you've always dreamed of. For one week, we will live, work, and play together in a city renowned for its world-class art, music, food, culture, nightlife, and unparalleled quality of life. Expect creative workshops, dinner parties, and dancing with the movers and shakers of Buenos Aires stretching late into the warm evenings. From there, we'll decamp to the mountains for a 1-week adventure in Bariloche, one of Patagonia's most charming towns, for a uniquely Unsettled experience of activity and exploration. Unsettled: Argentina truly has something for everyone. From dancing in the streets of Buenos Aires, to hiking 2000 meters above sea level beneath the clearest night sky you've ever seen, it's an unbounded, unexpected, and truly Unsettled adventure of a lifetime. Are you ready?

Retreat Overview


Buenos Aires & Patagonia, Argentina


13 nights



Upcoming Trips:

27 November - 10 December 2022SOLD OUT

Join Unsettled: Argentina

The Community & Experience

Unsettled is a community for those who refuse to settle in their pursuit of growth, meaning, and adventure. We bring together creatives, entrepreneurs, artists, freelancers, and the intellectually curious who seek to replace routine with adventure. You will share this retreat with like-minded peers who hold a wealth of experience far deeper than just their careers and join our growing community of Unsettled alumni spread out over 80 countries around the world.

Read what Unsettled alumni are saying about their experience.

This experience is about you. It’s about taking an intentional break from your routine, finding new perspective, building new relationships, growing new ideas, and exploring with intention among an incredible backdrop of people and place. We provide housing, workspace, and an unforgettable experience filled with regular dinner parties, peer-to-peer workshops, happy hours, and excursions.

Unsettled: Argentina Highlights



You will have a full-time coworking space membership, but be warned: Buenos Aires is a late-night kind of city.



Trek, climb, kayak, and sail around Nahuel Huapi National Park. At night, sleep in mountain huts beneath a blanket of stars.



Lunch & learns. Peer-to-peer workshops. Family-style dinners. Themed conversations & discussions. Curated events & local mixers.



Enjoy one week of ultimate urban lifestyle in Buenos Aires, followed by a week of adventures in Patagonia.



People come to Buenos Aires for its vibrant nightlife. It does not disappoint.

A day in the life




A day in Buenos Aires...

There’s always an adventure to be had. Here’s what one of your days could look like:

8:30 am: You start off your morning walking around Palermo, hunting for your next favorite coffee shop with 4-5 other participants. From longstanding cafés dating back to the mid-20th century, to hip new artisanal spots, café culture is a major facet of life in this metropolis.

10:00 am – 1:00 pm: You join a dozen other Unsettlers in the co-working space to be productive with good company around. 

1:00 pm – 3:00 pm: Unsettled is hosting a Lunch and Learn that has you thinking about your work-life balance over some freshly cooked empanadas to get a flavor of authentic Argentine cuisine!

3:00 pm – 5:00 pm: You join a few folks to finish the workday at their favorite bookstore and café that's filled with artwork.


A night in Buenos Aires...

The night is still young, and Buenos Aires is the place to be, when it comes to a vibrant nightlife scene!


6 pm - 9 pm: There’s a tango class this evening in the Almagro neighborhood with a local argentine couple. You practice a few steps, and then you feel ready to hit a milonga. 


9 pm – 11 pm: Just beside the tango class is a traditional old building, known for having milongas every day of the week. You go in, order a glass of Malbec, and try out your new moves on the dance floor. 


11 pm: You and a few participants decide to finish the evening with a beer on your balcony chatting about the day, work, and life back home before you call it a night. 

What's Included

Unsettled provides...

You will spend 1 week in Buenos Aires, with private accommodations, dinner parties, and activities throughout the week to explore the city!

In Patagonia, you’ll have shared rooms in our cabins in Bariloche. We also have an overnight hike included, several meals throughout the week, and day hikes and lake trips.

All domestic transportation in Patagonia, including a R/T flight to/from Bariloche, Patagonia’s most charming town.

Your own membership to a full-time workspace to be productive, get creative, and reimagine what’s possible in a week, a month, a year, or a lifetime, in Argentina.

A curated community of diverse, like-minded peers from around the world and a local community on the ground.

A fully dedicated team of experience leaders and local experts who challenge your perspective and support your exploration, growth, and adventures.

A curated calendar of events with community sessions, dinner parties, happy hours, local experiences and classes, peer-to-peer and facilitated workshops, excursions, and more.

The experience

1 Week in Buenos Aires

For 1 week, you will have the chance to experience the richness of urban life in Buenos Aires. With streets inspired by Paris’ famous boulevards and green space that rivals London’s Hyde Park, Buenos Aires has the looks of a European city that moves to the beat of Latin America. Cafe's spilling into the streets. Art studios on every block. Wine in every glass. Unsettled Buenos Aires has something for everyone.

1 Week in Patagonia

Just when you think it couldn't get any better, you hop on a plane to Patagonia for a week of adventure in the mountains, pristine lakes, and glaciers. From hiking Bariloche’s most scenic route that offers panoramic views of Lake Nahuel Huapi and Lake Moreno, to exploring the peaks of Cerro Campanario and Villa Tacul, there will be no shortage of adventures as you'll spend your days hiking, kayaking, and climbing. Your nights will be spent sharing stories from the day's adventures at Bariloche’s famous breweries. And the next day? A new adventure awaits.

Unsettled Argentina

What Our Community Says...


I didn't realize how truly positive, powerful and liberating "embracing the unknown" could be until I immersed myself in an Unsettled experience. There is beautiful simplicity and immense satisfaction to be found in both the whole as well as the parts of all of the aspects that make up an Unsettled experience.

Kirstin Kruger-Hill


Unsettled for me came about in the 3rd month of my 4 month sabbatical and I had a long list of things to explore.I was challenged in so many ways and rediscovered a love for dance and creativity.I got to explore the idea of remote working and found a renewed purpose for my career.

Dayo Adeola


Unsettled was exactly the break I needed to get out of my bubble back home and to see a new city with totally different eyes and in addition, meet people from all over the world who have perfected the remote working concept.

Lisa Hoedlmayr

Read More on Unsettled: Argentina


The boundaries between work, life, and travel are becoming blurred, fundamentally changing how we live today. Unsettled brings together groups of travelers and professionals from around the world for uniquely co-created experiences. Each one-week, two-week, or one month retreat is designed to break your routine and inspire a renewed sense of growth, meaning and adventure through transformational travel and peer-to-peer learning.

Whether you're working full time, or going through an intentional career transition, our retreats are designed to help you break out of your routine and explore a new destination with an incredible group of peers.

Each destination and experience is different, however most one-month and two-week experiences include comfortable and centrally located accommodations, a coworking space, full-time staff dedicated to lead your experience, a productivity-driven environment, regular dinner parties and themed conversations, peer-to-peer workshops, curated events, epic adventures, spontaneous activities and hopefully one of the best experiences of your life. Our one-week experiences are more adventure driven, whether urban or nature focused -- and you can explore what each trip holds by visiting that particular retreat page.

You can learn more on Our Experience page.

Yes! In fact, most of the time while away is up to you. The Unsettled experience is your experience, don't forget! We create just enough structure so that you can plug into the different activities, workshops, and connect with people as you wish.

Nothing is required, and everything is voluntary; however, we do look for people who contribute, and highly recommend that you do. Typically, the more you put into your experience, the more you get out. Our role is to provide a platform so you are informed and can participate as you like.

Most days are unstructured work days, exploration days or adventure days (whatever your current activity!) You can work from our central coworking space, a coffee shop, the beach or a park, depending on the destination if you need to. Or, you can go explore with other participants to places we recommend or discover your own new secret spots. We tend to have a fixed family-style group dinner once a week where everyone can check in and catch up with each other, as well as numerous other dinners, events, activities and surprises throughout each week that everyone is welcome to join. You never know the kind of inspiration that can come through connecting with a community, so be sure to try and take advantage of it while you're able. 

Most people on an Unsettled retreat are professionals with multidimensional personalities and vast interests. This isn't a post-college party trip. Our average age of participants is mid 30's to mid 40's, but we've hosted folks of all ages. Living Unsettled is truly ageless.

We've hosted CEOs and entrepreneurs, artists and experience designers, and people who are active, even experts, in everything from transcendental meditation to CrossFit, from Bikram yoga to kiteboarding, and from diving to flying. On any given day however, most of us are content hanging out with each other, exploring new places and trying new things.

Since thinking big about our work and careers is one of the organizing principles of Unsettled, many participants are high achievers who organize major conferences, run businesses, or are recognized experts in their field. We have a lot of designers, developers, entrepreneurs, and startup enthusiasts on our trips.

All of this being said, it's not required to be working on something or have a "professional CV" in order live Unsettled with us. Many joining us are retired, taking a sabbatical, or deciding what comes next in life and looking for some inspiration.

At Unsettled, we truly focus on building retreats full of dynamic people who have much more to offer to the group than just work experience. These experiences are social by definition, and so one of our main qualifications is to look for people who share some simple principles:

  • Open to spending time with people from different cultures with different value sets
  • Curious about the people and the world around them
  • Considerate of others
  • Basically, as long as you're not an asshole, you'll fit right in.

See our most up-to-date travel policies here.

Getting to Unsettled Buenos Aires is easy. Palermo, our neighborhood, is in the center of the city and 45 minutes from Ministro Pistarini International Airport, also known as Ezeiza (EZE) Airport. You will be greeted at EZE airport on arrival in Buenos Aires and transported directly to your new home for the week. EZE is the main international airport in  Buenos Aires, serviced with direct flights from many international locations. 

It’s best to arrive on your retreat start date, or a day before if it is better for you. As part of the program, you will have a roundtrip flight to/from Patagonia and return to Buenos Aires on the last day of your experience, in the early afternoon. We suggest you book your flight out of Argentina for the evening of that same day (the last date of your retreat), or the next day, to be extra cautious.

Unsettled: Argentina

Argentina· 27 November - 10 December 2022· 13 nights


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